Sunday 2 January 2011

Lil Boat Congee

Rice Porridge

Lil Boat Congee or rice porridge is one the Cantonese Dim Sum specialties.


The name 'Lil Boat Congee' came about because it's originated from the boats ! In Hongkong, especially back in the 60s where lots of its inhabitants couldn't afford a home, many actually live on the boats (converting from fishing boats ?). They not only live there, some even operate eateries on the boat. And Lil Boat Congee is one of the so called all-in-one food they serve.

The dish ended up as a Dim Sum celebrity of some sort and before long, mainstream restaurants adopted this 'cheap snack' as one of the signature Dim Sim dishes.


Basically, you may put add anything that goes with plain congee. Typically, you will find pork ham, century egg, salty duck egg, fried peanuts, tong cai (a kind of Chinese pickle), green onions, dog bone (Chinese long donut of some sort), deep fried white noodles and even potato chips !


Unless you have a Chinese tongue, I wouldn't recommend this dish. The century egg alone may put you off. Else, no harm to check it out.

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