Wednesday 5 January 2011

The Dragon Dumpling

小籠包 - Dumplings

Dragon Dumpling 小籠包 

If there is anything Shanghainese can be proud of when it comes to food, this is it.

For those who are not familiar with Chinese food culture and history. Here is a rough idea ... Generally, Cantonese food rules. For some historical (imperial) reasons, southern Chinese are foodies and they have created some of the tastiest dishes that are renown all over the world. The northerners are generally not into food, not as much as southerners. The northern dishes are generally consider as "bland" (to the southerners"). Please excuse me if you are a northerner. I shall explain everything on a culinary topics why so ?

Right now, I just wanna introduce the Dragon Dumpling, the pride of Shanghai, so to speak. Why should Shnaghainese be proud of this particular plain looking dumpling ? Simple. Because no one else can make this as good as Shanghainese ... By the way, Dragon Dumpling is a pork dumpling, and what make it stand out from the rest is the technology !

No kidding. The Shanghainese invented a technology to retain 'juice' right in the dumpling itself. Therefore, the right way to eat this juicy dumpling is the suck it prior to gobbling it into your tummy ! I am ashamed to say although I am a chef, I still don't quite know the secret behind this lil juicy babe. Those that I made arte never as juicy. For this reason, ht tip to the Shanghainese guru.

Is it recommended ? I would say yes. Personally, I love the juice. Dip it in vinegar and eat it with ginger ... Yum !

Tips: If you're serving it at home, try using a good vineger such as Balsamic Vinegar ... It tastes superb !

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